Tuesday 30 April 2013

Here are a couple of pieces I did today,tell me what you think and if you like my work become a member on my blog, I only have one lovely person following me atm and could do with a few more :)

Monday 29 April 2013

As I mentioned yesterday I've started a new project under the title 'submerged'.  I thought I'd share a couple of my first observational drawings for this project with you guys. Hope you like :)

Sunday 28 April 2013

I know it's not portraiture, but I really loved doing these pieces. My aim was to make boring household objects less boring. What do you think? 

My final project this year is based around the title 'submerged'. I ma gradually making progress creating different pieces of work. The picture above is of my wall so far, hopefully I will have a lot more work by the end of the project. I'll be putting all my new pieces on, so if you're interested they will be up soon! If you like any of my work or know anyone that might, I'd love it if you could share my blog around :) Thank you

Although all of my work I've posted so far so far has been portraiture, I also enjoy drawing other things aswell.  A little while ago I focused on looking at landscape and natural objects. Some of the pieces above are observational drawing which I did when I spent a nice sunny day out in the woods doing lots of sketches and rough pieces.  If you like any of my work or think you know someone who might I'd love and really appreciate it if you shared my link on facebook or twitter or anywhere else you think it might be well received  Thank you :)

Friday 26 April 2013

Hello lovely people. I've created this blog as I wanted to get my work out there and viewed a little bit :) I work with a variety of mediums but mainly focused round the theme of portraiture. I love photography to so you'll probably see some of my pictures to. I hope you enjoy seeing a little bit into the world of Kim.